Annual Report 2015-16

The Following Documents Pertain to the Federal Water Master’s Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2015-2016, filed June 30, 2016

Fiscal Year 2015-2016, filed June 30, 2016

Federal Water Master’s Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2015-16; Motion to Court to Approve Changes to Service List (filed June 30, 2016) (Docket No. 1500)

Attachment A: Federal Water Master Expenditures by Fiscal Year (2008-09 to 2015-16) (filed June 30, 2016) (part of Docket No. 1500)

Certificate of Service of Federal Water Master’s Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2015-16; Motion to Court to Approve Changes to Service List (filed June 30, 2016)

Federal Water Master’s Report to Court on Recommendations for Updating the Service List (subsequently approved by Court) — Sets forth procedure followed by the Master this year to propose updates and corrections to Service List

Official Service List as of August  19, 2015 (Use this list for regular service); MS Word | PDF

Objection Form [re Service List recommendations] [Download document pursuant to your computer’s operating system]: MS Word Version | RTF Version | PDF Version

Letter from Lummi Nation, Washington Dep’t of Ecology & Federal Water Master to Judge Zilly re Federal Water Master’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2016-2017 (June 29, 2016)FederalWaterMasterExpenses061416.pdf

Court Order Approving Master’s Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2015-16 (Aug. 26, 2016; Docket No. 1502)

Service List for Parties Receiving Service by Regular Mail (Aug. 26, 2016): MS Word Version | PDF Version

Labels for Parties Receiving Service by Regular Mail (Aug. 26, 2016): MS Word Version | PDF Version